transparency report for

We purchased this coffee through Semilla (via Monkaaba).

Price breakdown (per KG)

Green Bean Cost (€/KG)

FOB €9.06

Farmgate price: 2,700,000 Colombian Pesos per Carga (125kg parchment coffee)

National farmgate price April 2024: 1,700,000 Colombian Pesos per Carga

Importer Fee/Costs €2.44

Shipping to us €1.64

Bean Shrinkage €2.30

Total Green Bean Costs €15.44


Rent €0.40

Running Roaster €1.20

Staff Costs €2.50

Packaging Costs €2.80

Total Roasting Costs €6.90

Our MaRgins (€/KG)

IVA €14.03

Squarespace Fee €2.13

Margins after taxes €24.63

These margins are based off of our prices for Business to Customer